Saturday, November 13, 2010

Rachel Abrams from HarperCollins

Rachel talked about what publishers want from their authors in reference to social media. They need authors and illustrators who are media savvy, who are already online with a presence and followers so a book's marketing and promotion can hit the ground running.


Panel session

Writers Kitty Lagorio, Carla Mooney, Sally Alexander and Regional Advisor, Pat Easton.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Friday night at the Radisson

Well, the 2010 WPaSCBWI pre-conference writer's critique is in the books! These guys are good. It's such a great asset to have another set of ears listen to your story, but to be able to have people with loads of experience and intriguing ideas listen just ices the cake.

Thanks to the moderators: Pat Easton, Marcy Canterna, Kate Dopirak, Dick Easton, and Carla Mooney.

(Sorry if I missed anyone; I couldn't find at least one of the groups, and I'm debating if it even existed!)

Saturday, November 6, 2010

#WPaSCBWI 2010 Conference

One week from today—save the date.

The Western Pennsylvania chapter of the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators will be hosting their annual conference at the Greentree Radisson in Pittsburgh next weekend, and I'll be speaking about social networking.

First, the info:

Friday, November 12
Pre-Conference Event
(You must also attend the conference)
Reception and cash bar followed by informal round-table critiquing.
Bring a 5-page manuscript to read aloud.

Saturday, November 13

Faculty include:
Second, the details:

I'll be leading two workshops titled Social Networking—I Don't Wanna! The first one (session B-2) from 11:30-12:15 will be geared toward a general audience, mostly writers. The second one (session C-4) is scheduled for 3:15-4:00 and will be geared toward illustrators, but I will also accommodate anyone who may have missed the first session.

I have the presentation set up to answer attendee-specific questions including:
  1. Why do I have to social network?
  2. Where do I start?
  3. What do I say?
  4. When am I supposed to do this?
  5. How do I get it right?
I'll also include tips on how to use social media creatively along with listings of online tools and sites to get you started. I'll be posting to this blog throughout the conference (technology permitting) with info and tips from the speakers. I'll also be tweeting images on twitter, with the search hashtag: #WPaSCBWI.

Once I get the presentation finished, I will upload it here: